The puzzle is solved by
Sergey Sokolov via facebook. I will add our conversation there:
Sergey Sokolov 6. *11
Show My IQ Can you please explain how did you reach that answer? ( I am not able to understand 6 or 11 is your answer, or you have found logic for both?)
Sergey Sokolov 11^n. 1, 11, 121, 1331, 14641
Show My IQ LoL, that's why I asked you about how did you reach the answer, because I didn't created the puzzle using powers of 11th - but still your logic and answer is absolutely correct. I have created the puzzle using Pascal Triangles -'s_triangleShow My IQ But what a coincidence! I am amazed! The very next power of 11 though, will not be equal to the next Pascal row - 161051
Sergey Sokolov lol I also noticed that a power of 11 starting from 5th is no longer a palindrome.