Setting Up - Part 2

The missing manual for using PostScript

Setting Up - Part 2

Postby showmyiq » Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:25 pm

Here, by setting up I define setting up the SciTE editor. The Ghostscript and the GSview are already set up and ready to go. We just need to setup the SciTE editor.

Just to be sure though, I recommend starting the Ghostscript and see is it working right. If you have installed it correctly you should end up with this terminal:

GhostScript.png (8.83 KiB) Viewed 8641 times

I am going to show you the basic concepts on the next chapter. Right now we just need to be sure all is working fine. Now start your SciTE editor. It should be looking like that:

SciTE.png (6.19 KiB) Viewed 8641 times

First we need to write some basic PostScript program in order to test the SciTE functionality. Let’s put in the stack the values 1 and 2. You just need to write down on the first row -> 2 1

Now we need to save the program and we can do that by going to File-> Save As
We need to write down the filename + extension, please pay attention here. We need to save it as .ps extension which is an abbreviation for PostScript. Let’s save the first PostScript program as

If you do all OK you should see it like that. From UNTITLED the program is renamed to

SciTe2.png (7.65 KiB) Viewed 8642 times

Now the last thing we need to do is to check is the editor successfully linked to the PostScript interpreter. You can either hit F5 which is equivalent to GO, or go to Tools/Go. If everything is OK, you should receive this.

SciTE3.png (11.79 KiB) Viewed 8642 times

If you receive error, based on my experience, it can be caused by 2 main things.

1) Please go to your GhostScript Installation folder, in my case it is --> C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.07\bin
Copy the 4 files in this folder to the folder you have extracted SciTe, in my case it is --> wscite

2) If again you received some error, stating that the SciTE was not able to find gswin32c, maybe you have installed the 64 bits version? If that's the case you should rename the path to gswin64c.exe (don't forget the exe extension). Go to SciTE editor, go to properties and choose from the drop down menu the "Open"
Scroll down the properties page and rename gswin32c to gswin64c.exe
The 2 rows should be like that:
command.go.*.ps=gswin64c.exe "$(FileNameExt)"

If you are sure you are using the 32bits version, but you still receive this error, make sure you have fulfiled the step 1) and try to rename the gswin32c to gswin32c.exe

If you again experience some difficulties - let me know and I will be happy to assist you!
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