Chapter 3 - LaTeX command example

How to use LaTeX format

Chapter 3 - LaTeX command example

Postby showmyiq » Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:13 pm

OK, so far – so good. You have already learned how to start a session and how to end it. You can start as many sessions as you want in a single topic post. Cool!

Now what commands can we use? How they look?

Take a look of this command --> x=\frac{1+y}{1+2z^2}

Let's analyze first what this symbols mean. First we can see we are representing an equation. On the left side we have x and on the left side we have \frac{1+y}{1+2z^2}

The x on the left side means that we have a variable x. Simple as that. The right side start with the command \frac and then two parts divided with brackets - {} , first part is - {1+y} and the second part is - {1+2z^2}

The symbol \ - means that we are going to execute command. The command in this case is frac - which means that we are going to input a fraction. The first part - {1+y} is the numerator, and the second part - {1+2z^2} is the denominator of that fraction.

You should pay attention - before using such commands you need to start a session! When you do not need to input any special characters ( like math formulas,equations,etc.) you should end the session. We already show how in the previous Chapter 2.

Now let's see how it is going to look:


Cool, huh? And is much more better than x = (1+y)/(1+2x^2). In the next chapter we are going to discuss more commands, without such detail information about each.
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