In 1956 the American scientist Benjamin Bloom, a psychologist from the University of Chicago, published a taxonomy of educational objectives (Taxonomy of Educational Objectives) to cognitive activity, which proved an unusually valuable for the attribute and results of academic work. Taxonomy was developed to train teachers how to classify a given learning task or goal. In this theory is the idea that the objectives and results in training are not the same. For example, remember the scientific facts, important though they are, are on a lower rung of the skill to analyze or asses.
Areas of actionBenjamin Bloom distinguished three areas in educational work:
-cognitive (Cognitive);-emotional (Affective);-psychomotor (Psychomotor);Application of bloom taxonomyIn Bulgarian education special place occupies the taxonomy of Bloom, related to the cognitive area because it became the basis of the creation of the standards laid down in the curriculum. According to the Blum in the cognitive sphere operate six main levels, arranged on the principle "from simple to complicated".
These levels can be seen as varying degrees of difficulty-to absorb a level, must be mastered the previous. The approach allows for measurability of the knowledge, skills and attitude of the student. They are presented in the form of standards into the curriculum in each subject. Bloom taxonomy is used for the classification of the objectives in the training process.
COGNITIVE AREAFORMULATIONS FOR GENERAL PURPOSESVerbs for the formulation of specific objectivesKnowledge• Memory for scientific material already. Concerns of facts to theories and the bottom line is the ability to replicate the necessary information at the time.
• Know the specific facts, know the common terminology, fundamental concepts, functions of ...
• Describes lists, play, formulate, indicates names, selected highlights
Understanding• The ability to grasp the meaning of the subject. Occurs when transforming the knowledge through explanation, summary, assessing future trends. Use of the information already studied areas
• Of course facts, principles, methods and procedures, assess the consequences.
• Convert, defend, different, evaluate, explain, extend, generalize, give examples, paraphrase, predict, retell defines, discusses, compares.
Annex/Application• The ability to use the lessons learned in new and concrete situations. Associated with the implementation of the principles, rules, concepts, methods, theories. Knowledge and understanding are applied in completely new, unknown areas and situations.
• Apply concepts and principles in new situations. Demonstrate proper use of the new method or procedure.
• Used proves discovers decided change, develop.
Analysis• The ability to split a matter of its constituent parts in order to understand and explore the structure and associated with the determination of components, analysis of connections - their exploration of the principles for the Organization of the matter. The higher level of understanding of the meaning is associated except with the content and the structure of the material.
• Recognizes implicitly set forth ideas and assumptions. Identifies the logical paradoxes and sophisticate in reflection. Distinguish facts from inferences. Assess the applicability of the data. Analyze the structure of the plan, project, task. Does the breakdown of the set of its parts(sub sets).
• Divided into components, presented graphically, distinct, differentiated, defines, illustrates, makes findings and conclusions summarizes, stating, connects, selects, divided, subdivided.
Fusion• Joining the new parts in order to obtain a new whole. Associated with the development of a new method of communication, action plan for research work, project, a system of abstract relations, for example, the classification of information. It requires creative behavior with emphasis on development of new models and structures.
• Develop new ideas
• Well organized the exhibition in a writing topic - well developed and organized speech.
• Develop a plan for the project. Integrating the lessons learned in other areas in a plan to solve a problem.
• Categorize, combine, compile, compiles, creates, invents, designs, explains, generates, modified, rearranged, reconstruct, recognize, revised.
Score• The ability to grade the value//value of a matter/statement, novel, poem, report, plan, etc./with a purpose.
• The assessments are based on specified criteria. The results of the learning process requires the highest level of cognitive area because contain elements of all the other categories, plus a deliberate assessment of values.
• Assess the logical coherence of the written material, the adequacy of the data supporting the conclusions. Assessing the value of work using internal criteria.
• Evaluate, categorize, compare, make findings and conclusions, criticizing, describes, explains, differentiated, proves, interprets, connects, summarizes, stating, challenged, defend.
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