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The letter "C" paradox - Part 3

You are really close to solve the tough letter “C” problem!
We already divided the letter C in five equal parts.
We already divided the letter C in four equal parts.
Now we need to accomplish the last task – divide the letter C in such pieces - that can form a square.

It will be appropriate to put a celebrating hat while you are solving this puzzle. Why?
Well, we are happy to announce that our site just turned 1 month!

celebrating hat with a bubble writing - 1 month folks!

* Divide it in a such pieces – using only straight lines, so you can rearrange the pieces and form a Square  

(In case you didn’t notice – the height of the letter is 3 , the width is 2 and it is symmetric )

Show me the answer!



Left Arrow pointing to the previous day puzzle - letter C paradox part 2 Right Arrow pointing to the next day puzzle - The T riddle